
weaving shop

well, everything that i have woven since moving to kyoto is so soft.  i guess i have to thank the yarns for that.  i love that i`ve found a few really great sources for weaving supplies in and around the city.

with these going into the shop, and a few more to follow, my eyes have been shifting to some knitting ideas.  i have this divine alpaca yarn that is so oily, but when i washed a strand it fluffed up so soft and halo-y i melted.  i bought it for weaving, but i can`t help but think how beautiful cables would look in that fluffy natural halo when the light caught it.  it`s funny because knitting season is almost over, but i think i`m going to fill my summer with knitting. ( i may change my tune when `the heat` descends on kyoto again this year.  brutaL! )  have a great day, from kansai where we are bracing for snow! (who`d of thought a canadian, a newfie no less, would ever look forward to `the white stuff`. i just love it.)

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