
the best book i`ve read in ages. i was so excited by it i would try my luck at connecting with american colleagues by starting sentences with - "i`m reading this susan sontag book on the train ...." met with, "who?" until one day i met a kindred spirit in a coworker (british) who returned excitedly with "i read `susan sontag`s on photography` as part of my MFA - she`s brilliant!` four shining eyes meet.  a friendship is born - out of great american intellectual susan sontag.  every minute of this interview was scalp tingling.  i wish i had half the energy for life she had, even while sick.  i started wondering last night while watching the fantastic dancing & singing on `smash` if there wasn`t some physiological predisposition for great lifework. like an overactive thyroid, or a reduced need for rest. (some predisposition that i seem to lack.)  sontag was like a mega watt bulb.  my dog and i, mere couch potatoes.

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